Monday, March 29, 2010

Billy's favorite plant has arrived!

Billy's all-time favorite plant has landed at the nursery. Edgeworthia chrysantha, aka Paper Bush, blooms from January until its leaves unfurl - which is beginning to happen as we speak. Besides being a stunning focal point in the landscape, the silver and yellow blooms perfume the air as the weather warms. If you're familiar with the fragrance of daphne, this distant relative produces a similar scent.

Edgeworthia tops out around 8-feet tall, and gets almost twice as wide. Plant it where it has room to fill out and become a show-stopper during bloom-time. During summer months, the large leaves take on a tropical appearance. This is one of the few plants that really is a beauty in all seasons.

We have a limited supply of this fabulous shrub, so don't wait to come check them out. I put one in my garden about 5 years ago, and it is incredible. This landscape photo is the plant in Billy's back yard.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Celebrate the Blues at Oak Street Garden Shop

While the weather has had us singing the blues, in the nursery we are celebrating the blues. Come see our wonderful selection of 'blues-y' flowers both indoors and out. In the greenhouse we have blooming blue hydrangeas and African violets. Outdoors, Kris has gotten in blue phlox divaricata, wildflower Ipheion 'Wisley Blue', Blue Butterfly scabiosa, and tropical blue plumbago (you may have to move it indoors if we get another cool snap).

Blue flowers combine easily with most other colors in the garden. Used alone they have a tendency to recede and become invisible. This is especially true with the tiny wildflowers. Group them in a mass to make a bigger statement and they will shine.