Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meyer Lemon Curd Recipe

This is soooo delicious. Meyers are the cadillac of lemons and this treat showcases their incredible flavor. The only problem you'll have making this simple recipe is staying out of it once it's done! Good to know....I made my first batch with grocery store eggs and it was okay, but had a funny flavor undertone I couldn't identify. Second batch, I used our farm eggs and the difference was amazing. I'm hooked on these eggs!

2 - 3 Meyer lemons
zest of 2 lemons
6 egg yolks
1 C sugar
1/4 C unsalted butter, cut in pieces

  • Zest lemons. Put the zest in a food processor with the sugar and buzz until zest is incorporated into sugar.
  • Juice lemons - you need a generous 1/2 C of juice. Strain out seeds & pulp.
  • Place egg yolks and sugar in heavy, small sauce pan. Whisk together.
  • Put heat on low, and stir in lemon juice, using a wooden spoon.
  • Continue to stir until the curd thickens and coats the back of a spoon.
  • Remove from heat and immediately stir in butter until it completely melts.
Jar the curd and refrigerate it. Expect it to last several weeks, if it stays around that long!

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